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Kimberly B. Rogers

Associate Professor of Sociology at Dartmouth College.

Kimberly B. Rogers

Associate Professor of Sociology at Dartmouth College. Hanover, NH.

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As a sociological social psychologist, I'm interested in understanding how inequalities are produced, maintained, and resisted through behavior and emotion dynamics in social interactions. My published work evaluates the degree of consensus in identity sentiments and impression formation processes within and between cultures, examines behavioral and emotional responses to stereotyped groups and unfair reward distributions, and reveals the implications of micro-social processes for status and power hierarchies, occupational inequality, victimization, and mental health outcomes. 

Education & Experience



PhD in Sociology, Duke University


MA in Sociology, Duke University


MA in Psychology, Wake Forest University


BA in Psychology, Randolph - Macon Woman's College


2021 - Present

Associate Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College

2015 - 2021

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College

2014 - 2015

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Mount Holyoke College

2013 - 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Duke University


Selected Publications

Sirianni, Antonio D., Jonathan H. Morgan, Nikolas Zöller, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Tobias Schröder. 2024. "Complements and Competitors: Examining Technological Co-Diffusion and Relatedness on a Collaborative Coding Platform." PNAS Nexus 3(12): pgae549.


Scaptura, Maria N., Kaitlin M. Boyle, and Kimberly B. Rogers. 2024. "Subordination to Women, Anger, and Endorsement of Violence Against Women: A Test of General Strain Theory." Feminist Criminology.


Quinn, Joseph M., Robert E. Freeland, E. K. Maloney, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2024. "Meaning Change in U.S. Occupational Identities During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Was it Temporary or Durable?" Social Psychology Quarterly 87(4): 513-24.


Freeland, Robert E., Jesse Hoey, Joseph M. Quinn, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2024. "Perceived Occupational Gender Composition: A Census and Exploration." Advances in Group Processes 41: 57-77.​​


Rogers, Kimberly B., Kaitlin M. Boyle, and Maria N. Scaptura. 2023. "Through the Looking Glass: Self, Inauthenticity, and (Mass) Violence." Advances in Group Processes 40: 23-47.


Boyle, Kaitlin and Kimberly B. Rogers (equal authorship). 2023. "Self-Sentiments and Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Analysis." American Behavioral Scientist 67: 36-59.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2023. "Developing an Introductory Course Design that Promotes Sociological Literacy." Pp. 37-54 in The Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Sociology, edited by Sergio Cabrera and Stephen Sweet. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Quinn, Joseph, Robert E. Freeland, Jesse Hoey, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2023. "How Cultural Meanings of Occupations in the U.S. Changed with the COVID-19 Pandemic." American Behavioral Scientist 67: 125-47. 


Maloney, E. K., Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2022. "Status as Deference: Deference Scores and Occupational Prestige as Two Different Ways to Understand Status Rankings, Occupational Classes, and Emotional Outcomes." RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8(7): 70-88.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2021. "Separate and Unequal: Predicting Intergroup Behavior and Emotions with Social Identity Meanings." Advances in Group Processes 38: 23-52.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2021. "Event Likelihood Judgments Revisited." Social Psychology Quarterly 84:177-88.


Boyle, Kaitlin and Kimberly B. Rogers. 2020. “Beyond the Rape “Victim”-“Survivor” Binary: How Race, Gender, and Identity Processes Interact to Shape Distress.“ Sociological Forum 35: 323-45.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2020. “The Problem of Order: Understanding How Culture Predicts Social Action.“ Sociology Compass 14: 1-11.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2020. Strategic Design Toward Foundational Learning Goals in Introduction to Sociology. Teaching Sociology 48: 40-53.


Rogers, Kimberly B. 2019. “Sources of Consensus and Variegation in Cultural Affective Meanings.” Social Currents 6:219-38.

Hoey, Jesse, Tobias Schröder, Jonathan Morgan, Kimberly B. Rogers, Deepak Rishi and Mei Nagappan. 2018. "Artificial Intelligence and Social Simulation: Studying Group Dynamics on a Massive Scale." Small Groups Research 49:647-83.

Rogers, Kimberly B. 2018. “Do You See What I See? Testing for Individual Differences in Impressions of Events.” Social Psychology Quarterly 81:149-72.

Kriegel, Darys J., Jesse K. Clark, Robert Freeland, David R. Heise, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Dawn T. Robinson, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2017. "A Multi-Level Investigation of Arabic-Language Impression Change." International Journal of Sociology 47:278-95.

Morgan, Jonathan H., Kimberly B. Rogers, and Mao Hu. 2016. “Distinguishing Normative Processes from Noise: A Comparison of Four Approaches to Modeling Impressions of Social Events.” Social Psychology Quarterly 79:311-32.

Schröder, Tobias, Jesse Hoey, and Kimberly B. Rogers. 2016. “Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory.” American Sociological Review 81:828-55.

Clay-Warner, Jody, Dawn T. Robinson, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Katie R. James. 2016. “Justice Standard Determines Emotional Responses to Over-Reward.” Social Psychology Quarterly 79:44-67.

Rogers, Kimberly B., Tobias Schröder, and Christian von Scheve. 2014. “Dissecting the Sociality of Emotion: A Multi-Level Approach."
Emotion Review 6:124-33.

Rogers, Kimberly B. and Dawn T. Robinson. 2014. “Measuring Emotions.” In Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions, Volume II, edited by J. E. Stets and J. H. Turner. New York, NY: Springer.

Rogers, Kimberly B., Tobias Schröder, and Wolfgang Scholl. 2013. “The Affective Structure of Stereotype Content: Behavior and Emotion in Intergroup Context.” Social Psychology Quarterly 76:125-50.

Schröder, Tobias, Kimberly B. Rogers, Julija Mell, Shuuichiro Ike, and Wolfgang Scholl. 2013. “Affective Meanings of Stereotyped Social Groups in Cross-Cultural Comparison.” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16:717-33.

Grants & Awards

Selected Research Grants & Awards

Senior Faculty Grant. 2023-24Office of the Dean of Faculty, Dartmouth College.


Linda B. and Kendrick R. Wilson III 1969 Fellowship. 2021-22. Office of the Dean of Faculty, Dartmouth College.


"Beyond the Rape "Victim"-"Survivor" Binary: How Race, Gender, and Identity Processes Interact to Shape Distress." 2021. Honorable Mention for Outstanding Recent Contribution Award. Section on the Sociology of Emotions, American Sociological Association.


John M. Manley Huntington Award for Newly Tenured Faculty. 2020-21. Office of the Dean of Faculty, Dartmouth College.


"Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups." 2017-2020. Trans-Atlantic Platform. Funded
by the NSF, NSERC, SSHRC, and DFG. Research in collaboration with Jesse Hoey, Mei Nagappan, and Tobias Schröder. 

Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory.” 2017. Outstanding Recent Contribution in Social Psychology Award. Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association.

Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory.” 2017. Outstanding Article Publication Award. Mathematical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association.

Identity Coherence, Social Stress, and Health Outcomes.” 2016-2017. Seed Funding Grant, Office of the Provost, Dartmouth College.

Modeling Identity Dynamics and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory.” 2016-2017. CompX Grant,
Neukom Institute, Dartmouth College.

Inequality Sustained by Institutional Structures and Interpretations of Events.” 2014-2015. Faculty Research Grant, Mount Holyoke College.

Social Networks, Social Influence, and Cultural Meanings.” 2010-2011. Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation, Award #1003419.

Courses Taught

Current Courses

Introduction to Sociology - Gateway Course, DCAL

Research Methods - Social Impact Practicum, DCSI

Status and Power in Social Interaction

The Social Psychology of Inequality - Social Impact Practicum, DCSI

The Sociological Imagination - Social Impact Practicum, DCSI

Past Courses

Globalization, Organizations, and Inequality

Contextualizing Consumer Behavior

Senior Research Seminar, Cultural Sociology

Survey Research and Data Analysis

Self and Society

Teaching Awards

Engaged Scholars Initiative Cohort Member. 2019-2020. Eastern Region of Campus Compact.

Presidents' Good Steward Award. 2018. Campus Compact for New Hampshire.

Dean of the Faculty Mentoring Award. 2016-2017. Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Dartmouth College.

Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award. 2012-2013. Department of Sociology, Duke University.

Bass Fellowship for Undergraduate Instruction. 2012-2013. The Graduate School, Duke University.

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